DevOps -


DevOps promotes a fully automated continuous integration and deployment pipeline that brings together two large siloed teams together to allow for quicker software releases while Agile is focused on getting smaller teams to collaborate with each other so it can react quickly to the ever-changing consumer needs.

How DevOps accelerates change?

Most of today’s tech giants have one common ingredient to accelerate their growth to stay relevant and competitive in the market space. It is the adoption and implementation of DevOps practices that directly affect and improve the standard software delivery and performance in terms of cost-effectiveness, time to market, ROI, productivity, duration of the SDLC, speed of defects detection, the extent of success of the deployment, rollbacks, and so on.

The development team is measured on the business value they deliver to end-users, while IT service management is measured on the health and stability of the production environment. When each group has seemingly opposing business objectives, delivery inefficiency and organizational friction will be challenging.

What we Offer:

Relevant recommends to its customers that DevOps is the way to end the silo approach. We understand that providing an enterprise with the ability to develop, deploy, and release small batches of functionality to the customer in a flow process through a continuous delivery pipeline will enable them to solve the issue and accelerate time to market. Deployment tools automate application deployments through to the various environments. They facilitate rapid feedback and continuous delivery while providing the required audit trails, versioning, and approval tracking.

Relevant Technology Solutions can perform an in-depth analysis of the existing application environment, guidance, systematic planning for a successful DevOps implementation. Our solutions and services help provide communication, integration, automation, and close cooperation among all the people needed to plan, develop, test, deploy, release, and maintain a Solution. It helps Release on Demand competency for the Lean Enterprise.
Bottomline our Solution is simple: deliver value whenever there is business demand. This is indeed achievable, as “high-performing IT organizations deploy 30x more frequently with 200x shorter lead times. … 60x fewer failures and recover 168x faster.”

Business Benefits:

DevOps improves collaboration across the value stream by developing and automating a continuous delivery pipeline.

  • Increases the frequency and quality of deployments
  • Improves innovation and risk-taking by making it safer to experiment
  • Realizes faster time to market Improves solution quality and shortens the lead time for fixes
  • Reduces the severity and frequency of release failures
  • Improves the Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR)
  • Superior visibility and control
  • Better Quality, Higher productivity
  • Faster response to change.


The pressure to provide greater value for development organizations in software companies continues to increase. Every organization needs Better, faster and cheaper service. This has become a challenge with the increasing software complexity and reduced time to market demand.

In a recent survey, Data collected shows that nearly 31% projects get cancelled before they get completed. 53% of the projects cost more than original estimates and we often build stuff that is thrown away.

For all these problems, AGILE is the answer. We can help develop customer’s applications faster and help reduce time to market, reduce costs and is driven by quality and Service.

Business Value:

Higher Productivity: Agile teams are self-organizing, by definition, with no true “leader.” In this format all team members contribute and gain wider product knowledge in a shorter period, enhancing flexibility in resource deployment as well as a better understanding of the business issues that create more opportunities for innovative solutions. A strong sense of teamwork, trust and ownership ensures stronger dedication and output. In addition, after each Sprint, reviews determine what improvements can be made for the next round further enhancing productivity.

Responsiveness to Change: Agile assumes that all requirements cannot be known at the start. Shorter build periods, daily check-ins and re-prioritization allows for the greater flexibility required in an ever-changing world.

Better Communication, Visibility and Control: Agile demands ongoing communication between onshore and offshore teams and between development and product marketing. Rapid development cycles and daily check-ins for feature and schedule refinement ensure transparency on progress.

Higher Quality: Agile places a premium on quality – working software is the way to measure progress in Agile. Continuous integration and regression testing result in catching bugs very early in the development cycle, resulting in quality improvement and reduced cost of quality.



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