Why Choose us -

Our passion for customer success drives us to step up and align with our customers’ goals right from project initiation to sustenance. We are flexible to work within every budget and business need.

We work with our technology partners to pro-actively develop tailor-made solutions to address client’s business needs. Our team ensures expertise sharing along with meaningful insights to get the job done right.


Why Work with us?



We assess our policies from time to time to ensure that they conform to the highest ethical standards. Our business dealings incorporate best business practices, Clear communication, honest transactions, and good governance.



We strive to be a “Partner of Choice”. Our commitment to total transparency in all dealings simplifies and helps to bring in a positive change to the business operations.



A healthy relationship is a core function of the workplace. We believe in building successful relationships with employees, customers, and extended teams through mutual trust and respect.



We recognize the infinite value and importance of our people. They are our greatest asset and the best competitive resource. Our company’s relationship with our employees is based on trust, honesty, and respect, which is further strengthened by positive expectations, and shared rewards.

Value we Offer:

Relevant Technology Solutions is a client-centered, quality-conscious organization. Quality remains the benchmark by which we ascertain our competencies. Every project we undertake goes through the most comprehensive set of internal quality metrics aimed to provide superior services and solutions to our clients for successful execution per SLA.


  • Knowledge-Driven Expertise.
  • Educate, share insights, bring awareness and transparency with stakeholders.
  • KPI Driven Metrics with measurable results and costs savings over 25% or More.
  • Emphasis on reducing time to market, Maximum ROI, and Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Cost-effective client-specific, tailored, custom Solutions & services with scalable options.
  • Flexible and client-centered Engagement Model to meet and address client challenges and their growing business needs.
  • Emphasis on best practices, processes,methodologies, Compliance, and Risk management.

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